Cartman dog the bounty hunter
Cartman dog the bounty hunter

Girl-on-Girl Is Hot: Miss Stevenson's Freudian Excuse for being a pedophile is that when she was young her uncle forced her and her sister to kiss while he took pictures (though due to her warped sense of morals, she doesn't see this as abuse).Gag Boobs: In Cartman's parody of the crew from Dog the Bounty Hunter, Dog's well-endowed female assistant, Beth, is replaced with a preadolescent girl whose breasts completely obscure her face.Felony Misdemeanor: Cartman's motivation for helping Kyle arrest Miss Stevenson he wants her punished for making out in the hallway without a hall pass.

cartman dog the bounty hunter

Stevenson's and Ike's relationship starts to bloom, we are treated to scenes of her taking him out to dinner, to a skating rink, a sunset picnic, a ride on a duck boat, an artist drawing a picture of them, a merry-go-round, and finally, to her home as "Can't Fight This Feeling" plays throughout the whole thing. It helps that Cartman is acting on his heroic side this time, even though he's doing Right for the Wrong Reasons and acting on Skewed Priorities.

  • Enemy Mine: Not only do Kyle and Cartman work together to stop Miss Stevenson, this is probably by far the only episode where Kyle and Cartman actually work together without insulting each other.
  • While Ike isn't affected by the ordeal, given his younger mentality, his older brother Kyle is understandably concerned and disgusted.
  • Double Standard: Rape, Female on Male: Not just rape, but statutory rape! The whole situation brutally mocks the Double Standard of both gender and physical attraction when Ike is congratulated for having someone at least 20 years his senior come onto him sexually only because the rapist is an attractive female.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Get caught in the halls without a hall pass when Cartman's around? Prepare to suffer the wrath of bear mace.
  • Disney Villain Death: Miss Stevenson dies after jumping off the top of Hilton Hotel, though we do see the impact.
  • Comically Missing the Point: The only reason Cartman is concerned with Miss Stevenson and Ike's relationship in the first place and why he has a problem with it, is because they didn't have a hall pass on them!!.
  • cartman dog the bounty hunter cartman dog the bounty hunter

    Censored Title: Sometimes shortened to "Miss Teacher.".Call-Back: Cartman's hatred of gingers is mentioned again.An Aesop: An adult having a sexual relationship with a child is rape, period, no matter how "mature" the child is, and a sexual predator doesn't cease to be a sexual predator because she's a conventionally attractive woman.

    Cartman dog the bounty hunter